Publi­ca­ti­ons, Media Men­ti­ons, Expertise


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Spe­cia­lists rather than generalists

Our suc­cess in search mar­ke­ting for YMYL indus­tries such as Finan­ce, Fin­Tech, Insu­rance and Ban­king pro­ves why spe­cia­li­sa­ti­on pays off.

Dis­co­ver the foun­da­ti­on of our exper­ti­se, the indus­try lea­ders we col­la­bo­ra­te with, and how we can dri­ve your success.

Mul­ti­ple awards 

The agen­cy and our cam­paigns have been nomi­na­ted for major indus­try awards, such as the Ger­man Search Mar­ke­ting Award. In 2018, we were hono­u­red as the best small SEO agency.

Expert Publications 

Our experts regu­lar­ly publish artic­les in well-known online mar­ke­ting maga­zi­nes such as Web­site Boos­ting and OMT. They are inter­view­ed and appear as guests on pod­casts and webinars.

Sought-After Speakers 

Expe­ri­ence our exper­ti­se first­hand on the big­gest and most renow­ned Ger­man-spea­king SEO stages, such as SEO­komm, SMX, SEO Day, and SEO Campixx.

Tea­ching activities 

As part of our com­mit­ment to deve­lo­ping young talent, our experts are guest lec­tu­r­ers at the Colo­gne Busi­ness School and lec­tu­r­ers at the Kai­sers­lau­tern Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sciences.

Con­fe­rence Speakers

Our experts regu­lar­ly speak at con­fe­ren­ces such as SEO­komm, SEO Day and SEO Cam­pixx, as well as uni­ver­si­ties such as the Colo­gne Busi­ness School. They also publish artic­les in respec­ted maga­zi­nes such as Web­site Boos­ting and are fre­quent­ly interviewed.

SMX München Logo
SEOkomm Logo
SEO Day Cologne Logo
Artur Kosch hält einen Vortrag auf einer Bühne
Ein Fachartikel von Artur Kosch

Published Exper­ti­se

Our indus­try thri­ves on sha­ring exper­ti­se and know­ledge! That’s why our experts regu­lar­ly publish artic­les in popu­lar online mar­ke­ting maga­zi­nes such as Web­site Boos­ting, give inter­views and appear on pod­casts and webinars.

A True Partnership

Indus­try Exper­ti­se Meets Search Excellence

From the very begin­ning, our rela­ti­onship with Kosch Klink has been seam­less, pro­fes­sio­nal and based on mutu­al respect. The focus has always been on long-term suc­cess, not just a one-off audit. That’s why Kosch Klink is a valuable spar­ring part­ner, con­ti­nu­al­ly opti­mi­sing our web­site and pro­vi­ding indus­try exper­ti­se. (trans­la­ted)
Tim Wei­de­mann
Team Lead SEO & Con­tent, auxmoney
With KKP, we have had a long-stan­ding spar­ring part­ner in con­tent mar­ke­ting, distin­gu­is­hed by proac­ti­ve con­sul­ting and strong initia­ti­ve. The per­for­mance mind­set runs like a red thread through our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on! (trans­la­ted)
Vic­tor Werner
Seni­or Online Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger, CosmosDirekt
Thanks to KKP, we have been able to signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ve the visi­bi­li­ty and SEO per­for­mance of our brand, den­to­lo. From day one, every inter­ac­tion has been posi­ti­ve, effi­ci­ent, pro­fes­sio­nal, and incre­di­bly plea­sant. We look for­ward to more pro­jects tog­e­ther and are gra­teful for this gre­at col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. (trans­la­ted)
Nee­lam Jönsson
Head of Brand & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, dentolo
The team at Kosch Klink Per­for­mance sup­port­ed us with the relaunch of and the CMS migra­ti­on, inclu­ding the tech­ni­cal and con­tent opti­mi­sa­ti­on of our den­to­lo gui­de. Both pro­jects ran smooth­ly thanks to excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, out­stan­ding com­mit­ment and first-class exper­ti­se. (trans­la­ted)
Con­tent Mar­ke­ting Lead, dentolo
We have been working clo­se­ly with KKP for seve­ral years and have suc­cessful­ly built a thri­ving gui­de sec­tion tog­e­ther. This has not only signi­fi­cant­ly increased our visi­bi­li­ty, but has also had a posi­ti­ve impact on con­ver­si­on gene­ra­ti­on. The exper­ti­se and dedi­ca­ti­on of the KKP team has been instru­men­tal in hel­ping us achie­ve our goals. We real­ly value this part­ner­ship and look for­ward to more suc­cessful pro­jects in the future. (trans­la­ted)
Kat­rin Mauz
Online Per­for­mance Mar­ke­ting Mana­ge­rin, hel­ve­tia Versicherungen
Working clo­se­ly with KKP has enab­led us to build and con­ti­nu­al­ly impro­ve the qua­li­ty, visi­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance of our con­tent. The part­ner­ship is both pro­fes­sio­nal and very enjoya­ble. We look for­ward to fur­ther pro­jects tog­e­ther. (trans­la­ted)
Nee­lam Jönsson
Head of Brand & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, petolo
It was a very enga­ging and varied work­shop. The theo­ry was imme­dia­te­ly appli­ed to real cases, allo­wing par­ti­ci­pan­ts to share their expe­ri­en­ces direct­ly. I’m taking away valuable insights and lear­nings for my dai­ly work! (trans­la­ted)
Sil­ke Runkel
Head of Con­tent Deve­lo­p­ment, Nürn­ber­ger Versicherung
Sin­ce we star­ted working with Kosch Klink Per­for­mance (KKP) in 2019, our pro­ces­ses and per­for­mance in SEA and SEO have impro­ved signi­fi­cant­ly. KKP’s exper­ti­se in our spe­ci­fic mar­ket envi­ron­ment and in-depth know­ledge of our pro­ducts enable a stra­te­gic exch­an­ge on an equal foo­ting. By taking on a high level of respon­si­bi­li­ty, KKP effec­tively reli­e­ves us in our day-to-day ope­ra­ti­ons. We also app­re­cia­te the pro­fes­sio­nal yet per­so­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with our dedi­ca­ted cont­acts. Thanks to Cin­dy and Hannah’s exten­si­ve exper­ti­se, our web­sites are opti­mi­sed to ensu­re that poten­ti­al cus­to­mers can always find us through digi­tal chan­nels. (trans­la­ted)
Kevin Wag­ner
SEM-Mana­ger, Carl Zeiss GOM Metro­lo­gy GmbH
In Kosch Klink Per­for­mance we have found a straight­for­ward and high­ly com­pe­tent SEO and con­tent spar­ring part­ner. The team has been at our side during major pro­jects such as the launch of the Peto­lo gui­de, pro­vi­ding expert advice and hands-on sup­port. They con­ti­nue to pro­du­ce high qua­li­ty pet health con­tent and help us opti­mi­se our tech­ni­cal set­up. The results have excee­ded our expec­ta­ti­ons — we could­n’t be hap­pier. Our ambi­tious traf­fic and ran­king goals have been sur­pas­sed! (trans­la­ted)
Con­tent Mar­ke­ting Lead, petolo

Award-Win­ning SEO Agency

Our cam­paigns and agen­cy have been nomi­na­ted for some of the industry’s most pres­ti­gious awards, inclu­ding the Ger­man Search Mar­ke­ting Award, Euro­pean Search Awards, US Search Awards, UK Search Awards and The Drum Search Awards.

In 2018, we were hono­u­red with the Ger­man Search Mar­ke­ting Award as the best small SEO agency.

Join our suc­cess story


We were hono­u­red with the SEMY Award — the Ger­man Search Mar­ke­ting Award — in the ‘Best Small SEO Agen­cy’ category.


We have been nomi­na­ted for the Euro­pean Search Awards in four cate­go­ries for our SEO and SEA campaigns.


We were nomi­na­ted in the cate­go­ry ‘Best Low Bud­get Cam­paign’ at the UK Search Awards 2017.


We were nomi­na­ted in the cate­go­ries ‘Best Low Bud­get Cam­paign’ and ‘Best Inte­gra­ted Cam­paign’ at the US Search Awards 2017.

Trus­ted by the­se brands and many more:

weltsparen by raisin Logo
CosmosDirekt Logo
Helvetia Versicherungen Logo
auxmoney Logo
Logo Exporo

Inte­res­ted in working with us?

Let’s Con­nect!

Do you want to increase your visi­bi­li­ty and achie­ve grea­ter SEO suc­cess? Let’s talk and see how we can help you along the way!
